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Hey there !

A Bit About Me...

My work focuses on encouraging hopeful environmental narratives through innovative sustainable project design, implementation and scale-up, as well as trainings, community building & organizing, and the occasional cultivation of creative projects. My intention is to design systems and narratives that enable the emergence of positive environmental futures; futures that center the well-being of both people and the ‘more-than-human world’ - the animals, plants and fungal networks we share this planet with, as well as our shared environment itself.

My work aims to be powered by Joy and Radical Imagination, not as a rejection of the different crises and emergencies we currently live through but rather as the recognition of Joy and Imagination as acts of resistance and systems of care: antidotes to apathy and catalysts for the emergence of new narratives.


My work embraces my engagement in social work, permaculture and circular economy at large. My experience in founding or accompanying innovative circular economy projects enables me to blend theory and practice, by facilitating the design of innovative projects and ensuring their initiation and activation. My recent MA in Ecology and Spirituality allowed me to further dive into how our worldview shapes our relationship to our immediate environment, and continues to inform my projects and the diverse forms they take.

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